It all started when I (Adam Boukhare 15 yrs old) decided, in the confinement caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, to start creating videos and short films on YouTube, the channel was called Colors Pictures, which changes its name in IMG Pictures Studio. As you may know, the full name of HortSens Studio or Technology starts with "IMG.", the IMG of IMG images which stands for "Image" and "Imagination".IMG Pictures Studio gave birth to IMG Pictures Animation and IMG Pictures Records.After I started to learn programming and AI, I just wanted to create softwares and technology products, so I created a 3D printable phone named Pixe Ae Phone, then I started to develop my first AI voice assistant, "HortSens AI Assistant".With the help of the internet I did something (even mediocre at first) that I never thought I could ever do, I made a voice that can answer my questions and give me answers, who can open apps, take pictures and search the net, it was for me J-U-S-T amazing.HortSens Technologies was born in part, I had to make a publisher name for "HortSens AI Assistant" to publish it in the computer store, "HortSens Technologies" sounds good, and it is unique, so, I chose this name.I loved what I do, and since it was only at the beginning, I started doing other projects, even games, "Horizon Skies" is my first simulation and education video game that uses high performance, it was a great project.This is how HortSens Technologies was born a year after the start of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Virtual HortSens HQ